2021 Blooming Hill Events and Happenings

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

Work Weekend

It may have been Valentines Day on Saturday but it was also a work day here at Blooming Hill, VA. Upper 40's to lower 50's and sun in the afternoon coaxed us outside to gather up old brush and fallen trees and branches, downed since last fall--one of the perks of living on a wooded lot. Burn piles never seem to go away around here, no matter what time of year it is, but you only have so many nice days (cool, no wind and not particularly dry--also it helps to call the county fire marshall and check in with them in order to avoid any fines if there happens to be a ban on burning at the time you want to burn yard debris--don't worry, we did.) On Sunday, Peter cut down ornamental grasses and added them to yesterday's burn pile, a job that takes a lot of strength and energy. The ashes were still hot and the dried up grass was gone in hardly any time. Spring is still pretty far away, but it's never too early to get a jump start on some of those big jobs. Okay...so burning yard debris isn't every family's favorite way to bond on Valentines Day Weekend, but we had a good time and a few laughs anyway. Even our son, Kevin, and dog, Tucker, got into the act and within a few hours, the huge burn pile was reduced to ashes. By the looks of the Pussy Willow behind Peter cutting down the ornamental grasses, I'm thinking we have next weekend's to do list at least partially planned out...cutting that down, making pussy willow wreaths and bundling branches for other crafts...never a dull moment around here.

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