2021 Blooming Hill Events and Happenings

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Pussy Willow

This past weekend was a mix of blustery winds, sun, clouds and even some snow but that didn't deter Peter and I from getting out and getting to work at harvesting the graceful branches from our Pussy Willow Bush. Located far out in the yard and away from our house this bush is a large, sprawling shrub that stretches itself all the way to it's twiggy ends that sway in the breeze. It will once again oblige us with plenty of silvery, soft catkins to use for crafts, potpourri and bunches of graceful pussy willow wands to add to flower arrangements as well.

The catkins are blooming a bit later this year than last...perhaps because it has been colder, for the most part, longer into this February. We cut down only about half of the bush so far in anticipation of seeing it's branches become fuller within the next few weeks. However, we got a good start and I especially wanted to show you Peter making some of the simplest yet prettiest wreaths you'll ever see..Willow catkins are just plain lovely.

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