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Monday, June 6, 2011

Sunday Afternoon

Baby Blue - L. Angustifolia in the Knot garden.
Royal Purple-L. Angustifloia
Have you heard the news here at Blooming Hill?  The first of the lavenders began showing off their pretty purple plumes in the gardens this weekend...Let the harvest begin!  The chickens are pickin' through the almost neon "Baby Blue" Knot garden while prim and proper "Thumbelina Leigh," simply glow in their new purple frocks.  "Croxton's Wild," and one of my favorites, "Victorian Amethyst," seem to shimmer in their two-toned petticoats while a new introduction to my lavender collection which promises to also melt my heart, "French Fields," is all ooh-la-la and savoire faire!

We celebrated this joyous event here at Blooming Hill (along with World Environment Day, of course!) by hanging the first of the new recruits among the white-washed rafters of the garden shop...I can't think of a better way to spend a Sunday afternoon in early June, can you?!  Peter pounded the nails into the wood while I hung the bundles to the tune of classical music...Good Lord!  I think we need a life around here!

Vistorian Amethyst -L. Angustifolia
French Fields-L. Angustifolia
Having never been a fan of heights,
I try to avoid ladders whenever possible and I've forgotten how high up you actually are when standing on the forth step of a 10-foot ladder...the things I do for this ever-lovin' and fragrantly irresistible star of the garden!  It brings new meaning to swinging from the rafters.  I can't wait to see so much more of it hanging perfectly purple and frilly in the shop. It will be so lovely, indeed.

Thumbelina Leigh-L. Angustifolia
So, that is how we spent a perfectly lovely Sunday afternoon--with lavender and, at the moment, we look forward to the bountiful harvest in the days to come.  And yes, you may ask me how I'm feeling about all of this dreamy lavender in about three weeks and don't forget to remind me of how I am feeling right now.  I suspect, like any other year in the past, my tone will be a bit haggard by then, but I will love the lavender no less.

Of course, before all of the other plants get a bit jealous and start harrumphing around the place, I should tell you that they are every bit as pretty as the lavender.  Each flower and leaf  possesses it's own charm and comes all dolled up to the summertime dance trying to impress me and out-do their garden bed neighbors, too.  However, the bells of the ball in my heart, will always be the lavender bushes!

Irene Doyle-L. Angustifolia
I have found my passion in growing and harvesting a plant that keeps giving in return and I think I'm pretty blessed.  If you have time, stop by and tour the gardens before the purple haze party becomes a memory by the end of July.  It is truly a sight to see right now, here at Blooming Hill.

1 comment:

  1. I love your greenhouse. May I ask where you got it or was it your on plans?


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