2021 Blooming Hill Events and Happenings

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Monday, April 19, 2010

2nd Annual PHilomont garden PHair

Who is that loitering on the Philomont General Store Property? And, what in heaven's name does that sign she is leaning on say, anyway?  Well, it's me just making sure you know about the "PHilomont garden PHair" this coming Saturday and Sunday, April 24-25, from 11am until 4pm.  Sponsored by the Philomont General Store, this tiny "PHair" is back in business once again and gaining some attention from not only Philomont residents but also those who hark from the surrounding area as well. After all, what do you have to do anyway on a beautiful weekend...work in your own garden?

Okay, so maybe you do need to pull a few weeds and dig a few holes or just need to loll around in the freshly mown grass like the devil dear in my backyard who now think that "mi casa es su casa." Oh no...don't let that stop you from coming to the "PHilomont garden PHair."  There will be 18 crafters and vendors offering their precious wares to sell  from plants and bird baths to antique glassware, original artwork and even garden aprons to keep you inspired and a bit tidy while working in your own little piece of paradise. I've even heard rumor that there will be wine tastings offered by Willowcroft Vineyards in the Philomont General Store.

If that is not enough to entice you to take a ride in the country, on Saturday, there is also the Annual Philomont Horse Show, sponsored by the Philomont Volunteer Fire Department going on at the Horse Show Grounds just a hop, skip and a jump down scenic Snickersville Turnpike for those of you with an itch to scratch when it comes to everything an old-fashioned horse show offers.  I remember when we first moved here 15 years ago, Peter, Kevin and I went to see what the horse show was all about--apparently, it has always been a pretty big deal around here. Kevin, who was only 3-years-old at the time, insisted on bringing his own toy horse to show everyone there.  However, his mother (moi) ended up carrying it around for him while we watched the events and judging take place. We had a great time meeting our new friends and neighbors, toy horse in tow, and all.

Well, I digress as usual...when you come to visit the "PHilomont garden PHair," also ask for a map to visit the homes who will be participating in the May Day Basket Display.  Yes, I know May Day is not until the following week but the baskets will be on display beginning April 24 through May 2 in celebration of  both Historic Virginia Garden Week which ends April 25 and May Day which is May 1.

So, lot's to see and do in Philomont this coming weekend and that includes me.  I'll be in the "Philomont garden PHair" with plants--my greenhouse is jam-packed with scented geraniums, salad fixin's and pumpkin seedlings--and many other goodies and surprises to show you so make sure you stop by and say hello.  I definitely will be there.

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