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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Early Summer Blossoms and Blooms

Well, it's been a hectic couple of weeks with Kevin's High School graduation is coming up quicker than I'd like to think but it hasn't stopped the gardens from growing and thriving. The knot garden is taking hold and, thanks to lots of rain and cool evenings finally giving way to sun, early summer blossoms and blooms continue to show off their colors. The lavender (over 4o different varieties of L. Angustifolia's and over 20 different varieties of L. x Intermedia's with some latifolias and other hybrids mixed in) is promising a spectacular show within these next few weeks as well.

Two of the earliest blooming lavenders that have decided to pop in my yard are Irene Doyle and Thumbelina Leigh, both L. Angustifolias. This year, their blooms are ahead of even Croxton's Wild and Tucker's Early Purple, but not by much. Within the next week or so, I will start harvesting lavender all over the property to dry in preperation for potpourri and crafts. Among the pictures posted here is a bed of Irene Doyle and a close-up of Thumbelina Leigh.

And what garden is complete without cottage annuals like petunias and "Million Bells" planted among the peonies and boxwood? Their brilliance brings happy, vibrant color that compliments the emerging lavender. The place is living technicolor!

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