2021 Blooming Hill Events and Happenings

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thinking Spring!

Garden seeds are among my very favorite spring things!
It seems as though I keep ranting about this but, like everyone else, I'm thinking spring and I'm more than ready for it!  I'm ready to sink my hands into the soil and even pull weeds.  I'm ready to sprinkle seeds in straight, neat rows and watch lettuce, spinach and parsley sprout up and flourish, almost in a matter of days, into deep leafy greens.  I'm ready for those devil deer to forage anywhere else but in my yard.  I'm ready to put winter away and all of the paraphernalia that goes along with it--the big shovels, snow boots, heavy coats, thick gloves and hats with fold-down ear flaps.

And the devil deer...!
March is upon us.  The weather forecasters typically call this time the beginning of meteorological spring.  Adding to that, lent is starting this week.  Sweat peas should be planted in less than two weeks on St Patty's Day and lavenders need pruning, now, not to mention that the actual spring equinox is set for March 20th!  Did anyone think to tell dear old Mother Nature???  Certainly the deer aren't going to mention it.  They are enjoying feasting on the trees and bushes in my yard far too much.  

End of winter repose and draped in snow.
Today, while shoveling the front path and steps, I noticed that the leaves of hyacinth, daffodils and even early blooming tulips are peaking through the earth with their little green fingers clawing at the icy, white froth that covers everything, yet again.  They must be wondering, "What happened to spring?! Where did it go?  Why isn't it here?" Even the robins were back weeks ago. Winter is stubborn this year, refusing to let go and to face the fact that we left February back at the bend in the road.  The door to March has been opened and, as unpredictable as this month can be, she will clear the way for the hellebore's and forsythia, rhododendrons and azaleas--have faith!  Before we know it, all of this frustrating white stuff will be a distant memory, and all of the moisture this harsh winter brought to the mid-Atlantic region, this year, will help feed the spring blossoms and sustain the summertime blooms.

See?  I told you!  The sun always shines at Blooming Hill--especially after an early March snowstorm.
Of course,  we can't properly welcome March and this sluggish beginning to spring without a bit of 19th Century poetry, and all of it's wisdom so, here it goes--"O, March, slayer of winter, art thou here again?  O, welcome, thou that brings the summer nigh." Keep this in mind. It may help make the wait a little more bearable.

Snow-dusted watering cans wait on the back porch.
 Perhaps, if we all think spring together, perhaps we can will it to come as we all have no choice but to hang in there a little while longer, but hopefully not for too long. I'm ready for spring! And by the way--Blooming Hill Garden and Gift Shop opens in less than one month. (Oh, me! Oh, my!) Just in time to greet April and see spring, with or without snow!


  1. I love those poetic lines. Who is the writer deserving of credit? I wish to lift those words here and spread them far and wide!
    The robins came back here, too, and we promptly had 2 more snowstorms. The man I love told me that when the robins return, there will be 2 more snows and then spring will be here. I thought it was local folklore but he confessed he made it up on the spot! However, he might just be right...

    1. Wish I could tell you who the author is, Karen. i just found it in a book in quotation marks.


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