2021 Blooming Hill Events and Happenings

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Sunday, January 17, 2010

They Would if They Could and They Can!

This is proving to be an especially hard winter on all of us here in Northern Virginia with bitter cold temperatures, record-breaking snowfalls, downpours of rain that turn into ice and those ever-present, unwelcome house guests that go by the name of whitetail deer. Yes, you know them well don't you, because when they are not in my yard, I can probably find them in yours. Yesterday, I awoke early to find a family/herd of these hard to get rid of lovable looking Bambi's sampling breakfast in two of my biggest lavender beds.

This time of year always brings these increasingly hungry buggers closer to my back door, and even front door, in search of rare but nice, soft green leaves still clinging on various bushes as well as any hint of clover in the grass. Since an abundance of clover during the summer is present in the field grass on my property, the deer seem determined to hoof and claw their way down into the soil in search of what is lurking there for the coming days of warm weather.

Anyway, Saturday morning, there they were. Brazenly munching away among the lavender bushes and even occasionally sampling some, much to my distress. No use sending the big, black, imposing-looking dog out after them because he just sits on the porch looking at them, too afraid to remember that he is "King of the Yard!" Rather, I decided to get the camera and catch them with their hands in the cookie jar--so to speak. Yes, we all know the basic premise that lavender is deer resistant, meaning that deer do not eat it but now I have proof and we all know that if deer are hungry enough, they will eat just about anything. And, yes! They really have sampled lavender but at least it does seem that they do not particularly care for it's culinary value.
after all, woody plants can't be that tasty, especially ones that smell like perfume! Yet, the deers' curiosity and trampling hooves can still do considerable damage.

I have read articles claiming that deer in urban areas are much more aggressive than deer who live--and dine--in the country because there is much less vegetation in more populated areas and deer have even been known to go through garbage in search of food. If desperate enough for food, these city dwellers can injure and even kill dogs who try to stand in their way. (Maybe Tucker read or heard me referring to an article or two about this. Or, more realistically, he considers them to be his friends since they are in our yard day in and day out!) I'm thinking that I've got some "city slickers," looking for a better life out here in the country, moving into my neighborhood. In fact, while taking the pictures, I'm pretty sure I heard one deer say to another, "Oh. "dear" look...the welcome wagon came out to take our picture. Isn't that nice of her?" Well, ate least they had the decency to step out of the lavender beds while they posed for this last picture...

So, if you see these guys in your yard, don't fret too much. I'm sure they are just passing through on their way to my yard.

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